Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Question of the Day Or Question of the Year? You decide!

Here's the question...

Are you living your dream? If not what's stopping you?

If you're one of the blessed and highly favored. That has the awesome privilege of living out your dream I'm stoked for you. And I would love to hear more about your journey of success so leave comments!!!


  1. my dream is to be in a creative environment where I am pastoring people an being stetched as a believer...I'd say yes!

  2. it's kind of a hard question to answer. My "dream" has often changed. My dream used to be being a marine biologist. I'm not doing that anymore but that's ok because it's no longer my dream. Sometimes I feel my dream is to be on the mission field, or working in a church, or working with youth, or being able to do all 3 of those things at once. But I've often found that when the things I wanted to do don't work out, it was for the best. There are certainly things I am passionate about, things I think the Lord has given me a heart for, and I pursue those things. Yet I tend to hold my dreams pretty lightly these days and just try to surrender myself to whatever Jesus has for me. I've definitely learned that He has a way better plan for me than anything I can come up with. I just try take life day by day, following wherever Jesus leads. That's probably not the answer you were looking for but it's all I have.
