Monday, March 30, 2009

60 Day Challenge!!!

Ok here we go.... Some of us, most of us, all of us have something that we would love to change about ourselves. If you're one of those people who are completely satisfied where your at spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. Then this post is not for you, so stop reading now. But if by any chance this post is for you (Which I hope it is). Then would you please accept my invitation to join me for the next 60 Day Journey? That's right it's going to be a life-altering 60 Day Journey!

Mid Evaluation (30 Day Point) will be - April 29th

Finish Line (60 Day Point) will be - May 29th

Who's in? If that's you post a comment at the bottom of this blog because I'm going to need you to hold me accountable! Cause change has got to happen Baby!

1 comment:

  1. I'll hold you accountable, but you have to tell me how...
